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Ecology · Environmental Protection · Energy Saving

What opportunities did the central economic work conference reveal for the environmental protection industry
Source:节能环保研究中心 Author:节能环保研究中心 Publish time: 2022-02-08

The central economic work conference has just concluded in Beijing. The economic work in 2021 has been summarized. Under the current economic situation, the economic work in 2022 has been deployed.

The meeting pointed out that "no matter how the international situation changes, we should unswervingly do our own things, constantly strengthen the economic foundation, enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation, adhere to multilateralism, take the initiative to set standards for international economic and trade rules, promote in-depth reform and promote high-quality development with high-level Opening-up."

What are the market opportunities of environmental protection industry revealed at the meeting, and what development ideas will environmental protection enterprises obtain?

There is a large market for resource recycling, with carbon peaking and carbon neutralization promoting high-quality development

Proposed by the central economic work conference, "We should correctly understand and grasp the guarantee of the supply of primary products. We should give priority to conservation and implement the strategy of comprehensive conservation. In the field of production, we should promote comprehensive conservation, intensive and recycling of resources. In the field of consumption, we should enhance the awareness of the whole people of conservation and advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle. We should enhance the production guarantee capacity of domestic resources and accelerate the advanced exploitation technology of oil and gas and other resources Technology development and application, and accelerate the construction of waste recycling system. "

From production to consumption, this part comprehensively shows the market opportunities of environmental protection industry. It includes not only the treatment and recycling of traditional sewage, garbage and other wastes, but also green and low-carbon in a wider range of energy, life and other fields.

It is noteworthy that this part even includes resource advanced technologies in more subdivided fields, such as waste carbon dioxide produced by oil and gas exploitation industry, which can be recycled through the development of CCUs (carbon capture and storage) technology, which is closely linked to China's carbon peak and carbon neutralization goal.

The meeting also took carbon peak and carbon neutralization as the key topic, and made it clear that "we should correctly understand and grasp carbon peak and carbon neutralization", so as to promote high-quality development. The meeting proposed that "the gradual withdrawal of traditional energy should be based on the safe and reliable substitution of new energy; based on the basic national conditions dominated by coal, pay attention to the clean and efficient utilization of coal, increase the consumption capacity of new energy, and promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy; pay close attention to the key problems of green and low-carbon technology". The environmental protection industry should also pay attention to new energy, green energy Development opportunities in low-carbon technology.

In addition, the meeting pointed out a broad market space for the environmental protection industry. For example, the meeting proposed that "we should deeply implement major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies to promote the coordinated development of the East, central, West and northeast regions", coupled with the "opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting high-quality development in the central region in the new era" and other policies issued this year, it can be seen that the environmental protection market in the central and western regions is broad and there are many opportunities.

The meeting proposed to "comprehensively promote rural revitalization and improve the construction quality of new urbanization". Combined with the five-year action plan for the improvement of rural living environment (2021-2025) just issued by the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council, the rural environmental protection market also presents a "blue sea".

"Tax reduction and fee reduction" will escort small and medium-sized enterprises, and environmental protection enterprises should still pay attention to technological innovation

"Guide financial institutions to increase support for the real economy, especially small and micro enterprises, scientific and technological innovation and green development." The central economic work conference made it clear. There are many small and medium-sized enterprises in the environmental protection industry. Most of these enterprises carry out scientific and technological innovation around green development. The support of financial policies will bring good development opportunities to enterprises.

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