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Ecology · Environmental Protection · Energy Saving

Space garbage is increasing day by day. Scientists put forward "strange tricks" to clean up garbage
Source: Author:管理员 Publish time: 2022-01-23

On March 25, according to the daily science website, since October 4, 1957, the former Soviet Union has successfully launched * * man-made earth satellites, which has opened the prelude to the human space era. At the same time, it has also sent * * batches of man-made garbage to space. Since then, with the feats in human space history, space waste has increased day by day. To this end, researchers have proposed some creative ways to clean up these space debris.

At present, Johnson Nicholas, Johnson, director of aerospace wrecking Planning Office of the US space center of the US Space Center, and Nicholas Johnson, are satisfied with a more creative idea of cleaning up space junk -- launching a Non-Expanding Foam NERF ball with a diameter of 1.6 kilometers. This huge foam ball can be used to collect space junk. When the small space debris passes through this foam ball, it loses energy and falls to the surface of the earth very quickly. However, there are shortcomings in this scheme. The bubble itself will quickly break away from the orbit, because the weight is lighter than its size, so it is very likely that it will accidentally hit a moving space vehicle. This will be a very bad thing.

In addition, scientists have designed three more creative schemes, including:

1. Laser transmitter

A laser is emitted from the ground or space to push the space garbage to a orbit closer to the earth and accelerate its fall under the action of earth's gravity. But the disadvantages of this idea are: the cost is too high, the laser launcher is very expensive, and the target that can be hit is limited.

2. Space garbage collection vehicle

The space garbage collection vehicle can collect and package large pieces of space debris at the designated location in space orbit, and then transport them to orbit closer to the earth. The garbage truck can also collect a whole piece of old rocket debris. However, the problem of this scheme is that the cost is too high and the operation is complex.

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